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Sex information: Porn, Sexting and internet sex

Sex & sexual health | Staying safe

It can be difficult to find out information about sex. Here are some resources you may find useful. The BeYou Project also runs regular sessions for young people about online safety and sexual health.

Oct. 25, 2022

As we’ve already said, it can be difficult to find out information about sex – especially LGBTQ+ sex – and some people choose to watch porn from the internet to get ideas.

There is nothing wrong with watching porn, but it’s really important to be aware that almost all of the sex scenes and porn that you can find online are not realistic. You are not expected to act, look or behave like the people you see in porn.

Sex is very intimate and personal, and everyone does it differently. Not all bodies look the same or work the same, and sometimes porn can give the impression that they do.

Consent and privacy

Porn can also set up unrealistic expectations with your partner/s about what’s ‘normal’ and what you ‘should’ be willing to do. Remember, if someone asks or expects you to do something you’re not comfortable with, say ‘NO’.

Some people like to use chatrooms to find people to talk about sex with, or use ‘sexting’ (sending explicit images via text or WhatsApp). If you’re into sexting or using chatrooms, or if somebody asks you to send them sex-related images or messages, take a moment to think about how you would feel if they ended up in the wrong hands. Once an image has been sent you no longer have control over who can see it or who they could send it to.

For more advice about sexting, visit the Childline website.