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Donate to BeYou

Your donation could help give LGBTQ+ young people in Kent the right support, to ensure they feel included, have positive mental health, a safe place to call home and a bright future.

You’ll be helping to change young lives, and creating a community where everyone has the chance to thrive.

Why your support is needed

Young LGBTQ+ people who choose to come out may experience anxiety, isolation and rejection from their community and from those closest to them. Those who do not feel able to express their identity also face challenges because they have no safe space to be open about who they are.

This can have a detrimental effect on a young person’s mental health, their friendships, their ability to thrive at school and their home life.

Some young people face problems within the home, such as domestic violence or abuse, which mean they are at risk of becoming even more isolated.

Others find themselves threatened with homelessness, rejected by their family or community because of their sexual orientation or gender alignment.

Every young person's experience is different but whatever they are facing, we’re here to help.

Any amount you can give will make a real difference and help us be there for every young person who needs us.

Thank you so much.